Microsoft User Training
Online (Live)
Discounted for Local Government to boost efficiency and productivity!
Code changes at least monthly - check back.
Your council can contact us to have codes auto-applied to all orders made by your central booking person. This would save you from having to check codes and help centralise bookings at your council.
Used by Local Government in New Zealand & Australia
Join them and make your local authority a smarter more efficient place.
Already used by...
Join these councils and authorities who joined us in 2024.
Simple course pricing
Pricing depends on the duration of the training session.
$100 Discount to Local Government until 1 July 2025
Currently quoted in New Zealand Dollars and New Zealand Taxes of 15% GST. Converted to your local currency at time of purchase at prevailing exchange rate.
Approx. 2.5 Hours Session
$100 Discount to Local Government until 1 July 2025
Currently quoted in New Zealand Dollars and New Zealand Taxes of 15% GST. Converted to your local currency at time of purchase at prevailing exchange rate.
$ 250 x GST / attendee
$287.50 including GST
$ 250 x GST / attendee
$287.50 including GST
$200 x GST for limited Early Bird seats
View Sessions- Live training
- Experienced trainer
- Follow along with the trainer
- Not a pre-recorded webinar
- Use Special ALGIM Code to access discount - Local Government Only
Approx. 6.5 Hours Session
$100 Discount to Local Government until 1 July 2025
Currently quoted in New Zealand Dollars and New Zealand Taxes of 15% GST. Converted to your local currency at time of purchase at prevailing exchange rate.
$ 450 x GST/ attendee
$517.50 including GST
$200 x GST for limited Early Bird seats$ 450 x GST/ attendee
$517.50 including GST
- Live training
- Experienced trainer
- Follow along with the trainer
- Not a pre-recorded webinar
- Use Special ALGIM Code to access discount - Local Government Only
- This code is exclusively for use by ALGIM member councils and must be accompanied by a valid local government email address at the time of reservation.
- Not adhering to these terms may lead to the cancellation of your booking without a refund.
- The code is subject to change at irregular intervals. Only the most current and valid code will provide access to the discount.
- The code can be found on this page and in ALGIM-related materials as authorised by knowitinc.
- Prices, Discounts and Terms are subject to change without notice.